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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Business Continuity: Are you REALLY Ready?

The events of this spring have been absolutely mindbending, even for the professionals in this business. Massive tornadoes, distroying entire cities - wow. But, if any good thing can come from all this, it's that dose of reality that we should all be taking right now, regarding the importance of plans and exercises. Are you listening?

I am constantly amazed by the number of organizations that still view business continuity planning as an exercise in compliance. Even those that take the steps to create a plan often don't take the next step, exercising those plans on a regular basis. That, my friends, is a recipe for failure. Moreover, most plans are developed without the input of an expert who has actually "been there, done that." Don't take me wrong, following the guidelines of the standards, such as BS25999, NFPA1600 or ISO31000, using a Certified Professional (CBCP / CBCI / CCM) is the right first step. But, tempering the planning process in the fires of "real world experience" can't be overstated.

I have conducted numerous plan reviews, only to find that, based on my observations in the field, during and immediately following a genuine disaster, many elements would be doomed to fail.

So, get REAL - and GET MOVING!

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